
Why Organizational Development Today Needs a Team-of-Teams Approach

Many organizations today find themselves in an uncharted, complex, rapidly changing, and uncertain world. To remain relevant and successful, it is important for organizations to constantly learn, adapt, and respond to new opportunities and unexpected challenges.

How to Become a Team Ready for a Future that Doesn't Exist Yet

The unfamiliarity of business environments faced by teams today can trigger a survival response that brings progress to a halt. To remain relevant, teams at all levels of the organization need to be able to fuel their intrinsic motivation so that it outweighs resistance to the unfamiliar and inspires learning, adapting, and moving forward.

Getting Ahead of Disruptive Change

The one certainty is that carefully laid plans will sooner or later fall victim to the unexpected. Being able to adapt to the realities of a flatter, faster, and more interconnected world is key to staying relevant and successful.

When It Takes a Network: Creating Strategy and Agility Through Wargaming

When business environments become increasingly more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, strategies based on reason alone will not inspire others to action. This California Management Review article shows how the UK's Royal Marines developed a novel adaptation of wargaming to lead strategic change.

How the UK's Royal Marines Plan in the Face of Uncertainty

Agility in the face of unexpected adversity has helped make the Royal Marines one of the world’s most successful fighting forces—and it’s a skill that business leaders would do well to emulate. This Harvard Business Review article looks at how the Royal Marines use 7 questions to put together and change their plans when disruptive events render their original ones obsolete – and can rely on their colleagues to do the same.

Executing Strategic Change

Despite the availability of many methodologies, management approaches, and literature on strategy execution, research suggests that seven out of ten organizations fail to successfully execute their strategies. This California Management Review article looks into the specific actions that organizations need to take to identify which elements of their strategy execution capability need to improve in order to take their performance to the next level.